The Harvard Public Library offers free access to thousands of streaming movies, TV and more for all HPL cardholders. This service is available 24/7 and is accessible on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Movies, television shows, educational/instructional videos, documentaries, children’s programming and featured collections are available for checkout.
For app instructions and additional tips and tricks click on the
under the logo.Questions? Ask us!
Have a question about finding a specific title? Want suggestions on what to watch next? Need help with your library card or assistance getting started?
Just email reference@
We will be happy to email you or phone you back!
Stream movies, television shows, educational/instructional videos, documentaries, music, eBooks, Audiobooks, comics, and graphic novels. No holds!!
Stream movies, television shows, educational/instructional videos, documentaries, music, eBooks, Audiobooks, comics, and graphic novels. No holds!!