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News from Overdrive:
On May 1, 2023, the OverDrive app was discontinued. We encourage you to make the switch to Libby, our newer reading app. Libby is made by the same people, with the same goal of connecting you to your library and to your favorite books, audiobooks, and magazines.
Download Libby or visit libbyapp.com to get started.
See more information on the change from Overdrive
With hundreds of popular titles and a total of over 60,000 items to choose from, the C/W MARS OverDrive Collection is guaranteed to have something for everyone.
You can browse the collection, borrow with your library card, and enjoy on your computer, tablet, smartphone or eReader.
Many borrowed eBooks, audiobooks and magazines can be enjoyed immediately in your web browser or can be downloaded to the free Libby app for mobile devices.
Titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period. There are no late fees!
C/W MARS is participating in an OverDrive Reciprocal Lending Agreement with several other Massachusetts library networks. Harvard Public Library cardholders can borrow available OverDrive titles from these library networks!
For more information see Overdrive's "Can I borrow titles from other libraries"
Getting Started with the C/W MARS
OverDrive Collection
The easiest way to begin is to select and install the LIBBY app.
Note: Kindle E-readers (Paperwhite, Voyage, Oasis) do not use an app. The eBooks are delivered directly to your Kindle e-Reader.
Libby App Highlights
- One tap to read or listen to the book you borrow!
- All your loans and holds are consolidated on a single shelf.
- Positions, bookmarks, and notes are kept in sync across your devices.
- Sample any book with a tap — nothing to download or delete.
- Tag titles you love, want to read and create custom lists
- Keep track of your reading history in the Activity tab
- Video streaming is not available with Libby
You can download Libby on:
- iOS 10+ (get it from the Apple App Store)
- Android 5.0+ (get it on Google Play)
- Fire OS 5+ (get it directly from OverDrive, the developers of Libby)
If you have a Windows computer, Mac computer, or a Chromebook, you can use Libby in your web browser at libbyapp.com. We suggest using the latest version of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge.
See OverDrive’s Getting Started.
OverDrive Help
OverDrive has an extensive help website with detailed instructions and videos.