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Registration Information
Register for all storytimes by using this link to the Eventkeeper calendar:
Mother Goose on the Loose Storytime
- Ages 0–2 years old and up
- Mondays & Thursdays at 10:30
- Registration is not required – but if you register you will be added to the email list for last minute schedule changes. This email list will cover the Mother Goose storytimes through May 22.
Register here:
Mother Goose on the Loose is an early literacy program that uses rhymes and songs to help pre-reading children get ready for reading. It incorporates music, movement, ritual, repetition, positive reinforcement, developmental tips, nursery rhymes, puppets, musical instruments, colored scarves, and book reading into a fun-filled 30 minute session for infants to 2-year-olds and caregivers (older siblings also welcome).
Mother Goose on the Loose Storytime on Saturday!
- Saturday, May 3rd at 10:30 AM
- Registration is not required but if you register you will be added to the email list for last minute schedule changes.
- Register here: Registrations open at 10:30 AM Saturday, March 22, 2025
A once-monthly Saturday meeting of the Mother Goose on the Loose Storytime!
Storytime for 2’s & 3’s
- Ages 2 and 3 years old
- Wednesdays at 10:30
Registration is required for the winter/spring session. Enrollment is limited to 10 children and their caregivers.
Register here:

This 20 to 30 minute storytime includes songs and fingerplays, simple stories, feltboard stories, and phonemic awareness activities appropriate for children aged 2 & 3 years old and their caregivers (older siblings are also welcome). Our phonemic awareness activities will focus on learning and practicing the short vowel sounds and then some consonant sounds, and learning to put sounds together to make simple words.
Art & Stories for 4’s & 5’s
- Ages 4 to 7 years old
- Mondays at 1:30
- Registration is required for the winter/spring session. Enrollment is limited to 12 children.
- Register here:
This 30 to 45 minute program, appropriate for children ages 4 to 7, includes phonemic awareness activities and a few longer picturebooks. Our phonemic awareness activities will focus on learning and practicing the short vowel sounds and then some consonant sounds, and learning to put sounds together to make simple words.
Saturday Storytime ~ Ages 3 to 7
- Ages 3 to 7 years old
- Saturday, March 22nd at 10:30 AM
- Drop-in – no registration required
Teen volunteers lead these fun drop-in, half-hour Saturday Storytimes for children ages 3 to 7 and their caregivers in the story room.
Saturday Toddler Storytime ~ Ages 1 to 3
- Ages 1 to 3 years old
- Saturday, March 29th at 10:30 PM
Registration is not required – but if you register you will be added to the email list for last minute schedule changes.
Register here:
Drop-in for fun stories and songs that promote early literacy. Parents, caregivers & children ages 12 months to 3 years are invited to this special story time. To encourage the development of early literacy skills through singing, rhyming, reading, and movement, children will enjoy musical instruments, puppets, and fingerplays. This interactive program is perfect for wiggly toddlers and their caregivers.