Stuffed Animal Sleepover!
August 1, 2019
Today is the day to drop off your stuffed animals for the stuffed animal sleepover!!!
Didn't sign up for the stuffed animal sleepover? Not a problem! Your stuffie is still invited to the party! See below for details about drop-off, pick-up, etc...
Here is all the information you need for drop-off, pick-up, and photo/video viewing:
You can drop off your stuffed animals on Thursday, August 1.
The library is open from 10 to 9 on Thursday.
Bring your animals in to the children’s room, where they will receive a special identifying tag bracelet.
** Important: The library is closed on Fridays in the summer, so animals need to be dropped off before we close on Thursday night! **
Pick up your stuffed friends on Saturday, August 3.
The library is open from 10 to 2 on Saturday. (It’s ok to pick up animals next week, too!)
Photos of the stuffed animals having fun at the library will be posted on the Children’s Room Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr pages on Saturday the 3rd.
Facebook will have a complete photo album, and Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr will have videos and selected photos.
We're looking forward to meeting all of your stuffed animal friends!