1000 Books Before Kindergarten
October 3, 2016
Reading to your child is an excellent way to build pre-reading skills and help your child get ready for school - and it’s fun, too!
Inspired by the 1000 Books Foundation, a Nevada nonprofit corporation, we started a Harvard Public Library online reading program to help you keep track of the books you read to your child. Register for our online program here: https://wandooreader.com/harvardpubliclibrary/1000-books-before-kindergarten
Come into the Children’s Room and look at our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten display, or speak with an HPL children’s librarian for personalized recommendations for your child! Or take a look at this list of books suggested by the 1000 Books Foundation: https://1000booksbeforekindergarten.org/resources/.
Each time you read a book, enter the title into the HPL online reading program. When you reach 100 books, your child will earn a sticker to put on a nameplate that will be on display in the Children’s Room. Keep reading - you earn a sticker for each 100 books you read!