December Maker Day - Kids Bags for Open Table

December 10, 2024
Havard teens in grades 6-12, join us on Tuesday, December 17 to decorate and fill Kid's Bags for Open Table.
Open Table is a charitable organization located in Maynard & Concord and their mission is to end hunger in the local community by providing healthy food.
Kid’s Bags are filled with healthy snacks that kids can prepare themselves. Decorating the bags with fun and happy designs helps to add a little joy to the food pantry run.
The food items used to fill the bag will be donated by members of the library’s Teen Advisory Board, Cookbook Club, and the community group, Arm in Arm.
Any extra supplies will be donated to Loaves & Fishes by way of Project 351
Any extra supplies will be donated to Loaves & Fishes by way of Project 351
Click here to sign up!